Asia Music Summit
Asia Music Summit is an annual event of international stature and repute to promote the rich music of Asia. This event is an important destination for cultural tourism, international art exchange and a vibrant market for music of all genres. AMS will act as a platform to create and extend professional opportunities for the music industry and provide international performing arts practitioners with a one stop access to the blossoming Asian music market. Asia Music Summit is an annual convening of leaders in culture and music industries, sharing work and knowledge, and identifying ways in which culture and creativity continue to transform societies and economies worldwide. This year, working with the theme ‘Future is Now’, we reconsider the potential of collectivity, cultivating culture ecosystems, and embracing culture as lived experience. With thoughtfully programmed panel discussions and conversations, Asia Music Summit harnesses the expertise of policy makers, artists, and culture professionals to examine urgent contemporary issues.
Meet MusiConnect Asia!
인도 India / Founder/President of Music Connect Asia_카우식 두타는 아시아 뮤직 커넥트 (Music Connect Asia) 의 회장이자 창립자이며 음악사업에 다양하게 참여 하고 있다. 전 세계적으로 재즈와 월드뮤직 씬에서 프로그래머로 활동하며, 심사 및 강연을 펼치고 있다. President and founder of MusiConnectAsia, Mr. Dutta has dedicated his passion and career of music to helping the less fortunate. He has been an active coordinator, performer, judge and speaker to thousands of jazz/world music audiences throughout the world.
대한민국 Republic of Korea / General Director of Seoul Music Week_이정헌은 서울뮤직위크의 총감독이자 울산재즈페스티벌과 광주버스킹월드컵의 예술감독으로 재직 중이다. Junghun Lee is the general director of Seoul Music Week and the artistic director for Ulsan Jazz Festival and Gwangju Busking WorldCup
요 르단 Jordan / Founder/Director of Amman Jazz Festival_라마 하즈본은 20여년 동안 재즈 음악 씬에서 국제적인 활동을 하고 있다. 아만 재즈 페스티벌 Amman Jazz Festival의 창립자이자 대표이고, 2018년부터는 Music Connect Asia의 부회장을 맡고 있다. 요르단에서 국제적으로 문화 기획에서 매니지먼트를 하고 있다.Lama Hazboun has had a professional career in advancing music and culture, spanning over 20 years of regional and international collaborations. She is the Founder & Director of Amman Jazz Festival (since 2013), and the Cofounder & Managing Director of OrangeRed, and the Vice President
인도네시아 Indonessia / Consultant for culture at Indonesian International Islamic University_프랭키 라덴은 음악을 주제로 삼아 다양한 활동을 하고 있고 CITRA상을 수상, 현재는 국제 이슬라믹 대학에서 컨설턴트로 활동하고 있다. Dr. Raden has been working on numerous developments towards music. He has received the CITRA (Best Film Score) award and more to prove that he showed results through his works. Currently, he is a consultant in the international Islamic University.
태국 Taiwan / Professional A&R , Programmer of World Music Festival Taiwan 페티 후왕은 전문 A&R, 음악 프로듀서, 윈드뮤직엑스포 대표 등 여러 국제 행사 'Rainforest Music Festival'등의 마케팅과 대만 아티스트 홍보를 맡고 있으며 대만/중국에 있는 대학교들 위주로 멘토로써의 강의를 하고 있다. Professional A&R , music project coordinator, exhibition executor in wind music, MA from National Taipei Art University Musicology, Taiwan. More than 20 years experience of studying music, and a highly well-trained music profession.Huang has been invited to serve as an industry mentor in va
부탄 Bhutan / Executive Director of Bhutan Music Research Centre_소남 도르지는 부탄 음악 연구소를 창립하고 현재 대표직을 맡고 있으며, 부탄 음악과 문화를 세계에 알리고 있다. 부탄전통 음악을 연주하며 현재도 전 세계적으로 전통 음악에 대한 강의를 하고 있다. As the Bhutan Music Research Centre's founder and director, Mr. Dorji has been working on to preserve and promote Bhutanese Bhutanese traditional music and has been lecturing all over the world to promote Folk music.
UAE / An Egyptian cultural manager, producer and researcher based in AbuDhabi 21년간의 아부다비 기점으로 프로듀서, 문화 매니저로 활동하며 2021년에는 이집트에서 영감을 주는 50인 여성에 듬. AGORA창립 및 대표자 이며 아부다비에서 연구활동 및 프로듀서로 활동하고 있다. An Egyptian cultural manager, producer, and researcher with 21 years of experience, based in Abu Dhabi. Awarded one of 50 most inspirational women in Egypt in 2021. Founder of AGORA for Arts and Culture, co-founder of virtual theatre, and Head of Performing Arts at the Culture Foundation Abu Dha
현재 월드뮤직, 재즈 기획자이자 이스탄불에서 라디오를 진행하고 있다. 대학교 교수, 국제 페스티벌, 레코드 회사 운영 및 다양한 활동을 하고 있다. Currently a MusiConnectAsia consultant, Mr. Kygay has worn many hats in long and illustrious music career. They include university music professor, long-time radio host, festival founder/coordinator, and owner/founder of a record company.
committed to work that strives to revive the rich cultural heritage of Nepal.
대한민국 Republic of Korea / Producer of Soundpuzzle_이승천은 국제에이전시 사운드퍼즐의 프로듀서이자 서울뮤직위크의 사무국장이다. Sungchun Lee is a produce of Soundpuzzle and Secretary General of Seoul Music Week.